57's Video Game Awards of 2010.
Well, here we are, the final weeks of 2010. I can now easily assume that all the games meant for this year have come out, and we can move into a stage of reflection of what exactly were the best and worst games of 2010. Well, here I am to give you all my pick for the bets games this year, following the same style of awards from last year. Don’t expect too much, I only have a (shitty) computer and an Xbox 360, so sorry PS3 fans, if I had a PS3 I would include them, but sadly I don’t, so I can’t. But enough of that, let’s get to business.
Best Graphics
This year we saw many games released that look just amazing, and just, well, shitty. Two easy contenders would be Just Cause 2 and Mass Effect 2, but then we have to look at Vanquish. This game is another look at how the Unreal engine is definitely the best graphics engine in the video game world today. Let’s not deny that. Vanquish looks amazing, the suit pieces are generally always moving, the action is fluid and the frame rate doesn’t take a hit too-too often. Best Graphics: Vanquish.
Craziest Open World Game
There’s one thing to have an open world game. There’s another to have you as an extreme badass in this open world game. It’s some else entirely to have an open world game with you as the badass where you’re only goal is to cause as much Chaos as you possible can while saying, “Fuck you, physics.” This is Just Cause 2. And let me tell you, it’s a damn fun game. It takes the style of a B-rated action movie and makes it even more awesome, let me tell you, the final fight you are jumping from nuclear missiles while the main bad-guy is shooting you, disarming them. And another scene you get attacked by ninjas with AK47’s. Craziest game: Just Cause 2.
Best Twist
Some twists are stupid. Some are pleasing. Some take you completely by surprise. Black Ops twist was in between all of these, which was and is slightly unusual, mainly because that’s hard to do. Treyarch definitely showed they can make really just a fun, self contained (slightly) game. The story was very much so fun, gameplay was the tried and true call of duty style. The major twist in the game comes in the second to last mission and the cut scene before the credits, the latter being slightly predictable. But it’s still a goodie I suppose. Best Twist: Call of duty, Black Ops.
Best Story
This one was tough. There are so many games out this year that just had great stories: Fable 3, Metro 2033, Alan Wake, Mass Effect 2, Transformers: War for Cybertron, the list goes on. But one of these games caught my eye, one that was by an Eastern developer, based on a book, and did things I hadn’t seen before, Metro 2033. The style of storytelling, the setting, the atmosphere, basically everything about the story not only made it great but fit in to the surroundings well, to immerse yourself in the game. It’s an easy recommendation. Best Story: Metro 2033.
Worst Game
This game wasn’t bad by default, it’s just I hate what the writers have done with the franchise, the gameplay still suffered from the same draw backs as the first and was short, I beat it in a sitting. Oh, George Lukas, what are you doing to Star Wars? Look, it’s one thing to bridge the gap between the original and new trilogies, it’s another to take it way out of context and just ruin it. Which is what happened it Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2. The only two things different from this game and its predecessor are the graphics and TWO lightsabres. That’s it. It’s unfortunate because this game had so much potential, only to be ruined by bad story telling, and not too good gameplay. Worst Game: Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2.
Game of the Year
And here we are. The moment of truth, the best game of 2010. This was a tough decision, but it has to be made. I only played four games that could make this: Mass Effect 2, Red Dead Redemption, Transformers: War For Cybertron and Starcraft 2. It was hard, all these games were game of the year quality in their own right, but it had to be made. So finally, I made the choice. Game of the Year: Mass Effect 2.
Mass Effect 2 delivered a game that was far ahead of the curb for any and all other games around it, bringing innovation to the gameplay, a story that often brought tears to my eyes, and a game I will not soon, if ever, forget. It’s a story about family, loss, love, apocalypse, the darkest recesses of mankind, and one man in the middle of it all trying to save the galaxy. The game was just short of perfection, but easily one of the greatest ever made, with each new addition adding to this expansive and phenomenal universe. It’s a game that needs to be experienced, and holds a very special place to me. Bioware has done, and no doubt will continue to, a wondrous thing here. The bar has been raised, and we have seen a piece of video game history with Mass Effect 2. And it easily and well deserves the title of Game of the Year.
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