Friday, September 3, 2010

Writing apparantly

57 here----

What the hell? I'm writing again? More often than not? Already up to a good length for a chapter? Good story idea?
What the fuck?
Well, since I'm at college now, and I from time to time have some free time, I suppose it's a good thing that I'm writing. I mean, I have a bunch of good story ideas. I have a computer that works well for typing. I mean, why not?
If you know me, for the past few years I've been sort of a on-again off-again writer of sorts. What I mean by this is actually quite simple. I sit down with a good idea for a story. I start writing. Now, either two things happen. First, I realize that what I'm writing is a load of shit, delete it all, and go do something else. Second, I get through a large chunk of a chapter, or so, sign off for the night and then never start it again. It happens more often than you think.
Recently, I took to writing short stories. They were quick, easy, and kind of fun (Since I wrote a story about a guy going insane, woot). Not to mention I was taking a writing short stories class, but that's a different topic. It's also unfortunate that those stories are on another computer so I can't read them or download them or anything. Damn.
Well, in the end it's a good thing I suppose. I'll keep all of you updated from time to time on how it's going.
AHA! I found this:,%20Maxx--story.htm


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