Monday, July 5, 2010

Dark Eldar rumors

57 here----

For a while now there have been rumor after rumor coming down the wire about the next codex release, saying it's going to be Dark Eldar. Like my Dark Eldar friend I hold the opinion of "I'll believe it when I see it." But I'm not going to simply ignore the rumors pertaining to the Dark Eldar, mainly because they sound solid. Here's what I've heard so far:

In terms of time until a release, the rules are done, GW is now redoing all of the model line (Which by God it needs)
DE are getting around 4-5 new special characters
All former special characters are getting new models
Kruellagh is being dropped from the list
most weapons are becoming poisoned, one stat line should look like this:
STR 3; AP 5; Poisoned (4+) for all troop weapons
There is now more emphasis on poisoned weapons rather than speed, however all transports are still fast skimmers
There is going to be a epidemius upgrade system for individual squads, E.I. the more enemies a single squad kills the better that one squad becomes
Mandrakes will most likely remain untouched, but will possibly get a better save

That's all I know of right now, check back for more.

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